Arduino Serial Plotter Alternatives

Arduino Serial Plotter Alternatives 3,7/5 3340 votes
/* * Created by * * This example code is in the public domain * * Tutorial page: */voidsetup() {Serial.begin(9600); }voidloop() {int y1 = analogRead(A0);int y2 = analogRead(A1);int y3 = analogRead(A2);int y4 = analogRead(A3);Serial.print(y1);Serial.print(' '); // a space ' ' or tab 't' character is printed between the two values.Serial.print(y2);Serial.print(' '); // a space ' ' or tab 't' character is printed between the two values.Serial.print(y3);Serial.print(' '); // a space ' ' or tab 't' character is printed between the two values.Serial.println(y4); // the last value is followed by a carriage return and a newline characters.delay(100);}

An Arduino library for easy plotting on host computer via serial communication. Serial.println(z);// on the serial monitor will appear duty cycles between 0 and 180 deg Now the main program will consist 260 elements because at last we have the transition between pins, and on the oscilloscope we have a better frequency.

5) Uses Arduino's Timer interrupt to calculate accurate BPM and IBI. 6) Serial.print the Signal, BPM, and IBI. 7) Outputs Signal, BPM, and IBI to serial, so you can use it right away with the Arduino Serial Plotter (below), or with our Processing Visualizer App, or our Pulse Sensor Mac App, or your own serial-enabled application.

PROGRAMINO IDE for Arduinoâ„¢
Programino is an alternative comfortable and easy-to-use IDE for the Arduino/Genuino or or compatible microcontroller boards.

PROGRAMINO supports the following coding languages and files
  • Arduino/Genuino (preferred language), C, C++, C Header, HTML & HTML 5, JavaScript, CSS, Text-Files.
  • For all these languages is also syntax highlighting & code autocomplete supported.

  • Customize your IDE and share the style with other users. Programino has a import/export function for schemes.
  • Programino supports dynamic syntax highlighting for user-variables.


Code Autocompletion, Snippets and Information 'hints'
  • This feature makes coding fast and easy.
  • Frequently used commands can be accessed via snippets.
  • General information (Hints) about the commands help you for faster programming.

Arduino Serial Plotter Alternatives

Code Folding
  • Code folding makes it more manageable.
  • With a button in the toolbar, can all be folded or unfolded.
  • It is also possible folding individual areas.

  • So you can quickly find often used code sections (also between different files).

Find & Replace
  • Advanced search and replace function with regex option.

  • Advanced fast reference search function.

Simple IDE and Editor Configuration
  • Basic editor settings.

  • Arduino verify and upload settings.

  • Configer your own user board (Teensy, eHajo, Atmel, Pretzel board etc.) or use a external programmer.

Project Explorer

Arduino Serial Plot

  • This Hex-File can be transferred with AVRDUDE or other Arduino bootloader tool on a board with a Arduino bootloader.

Hardware Viewer
  • So you always have an overview of your Arduino and Genuino boards when programming.

2x UART-Terminals
  • With the terminal you can communicate with the Arduino and Genuino boards.
  • Representation of the values in ASCII, HEX, BYTE and BIN.
  • Save a serial terminal log file.
  • #Home, #Save, #Clear - commands to control the terminal similar as a VT100 terminal.

  • With this converter you can fast convert different values.

Dot-Matrix LCD-Designer
  • You can define your own character and insert it easy as an array in your code.

  • Easy RGB-Color selector for RGB-LEDs.


  • With the analog plotter you can graphically represent measurements.

Arduino Serial Plotter Alternatives Download

  • For boards that are not yet supported, you can use the export function.
  • This feature is ideal for Arduino IDE versions that no command line support function have.
  • Ideal for older Arduino projects (Arduino IDE less 1.6 and *.pde files).

Use all Arduino libraries
  • Programino automatically matches the installed Arduino libraries.
  • Install a new library with the original Arduino IDE (this is then available in the Programino IDE).
  • Use all Arduino libraries such as (ESP8266, Controllino, Intel Curie - Genuino 101, MPU6050, ARM boards, SHT11, eHajo boards ect.)

Arduino Serial Plotter Alternatives Plotter

  • For IoT applications Programino IDE has a HTML editor and support HTML5.

  • Make your own IoT application with Programino IDE.

Arduino Serial Plotter Alternatives Software

Arduino Serial Plotter Xy

Arduino Serial Plotter Commands

For a full list of technical specification click here